Monday 8 December 2008

Gap Year + Travel Links V

Go Gap Year
Funky website and fun guide to everything to do with gap years to get you prepared. Essential info on travel insurance, top tips, money, phone calls, what to take etc
British Council
FREE gap years...You get a grant from the European Union, which covers everything (food, accomodation, flights, insurance etc). You can go for any length of time (although 6-12 months is the norm) and you get to choose your project. Teaching, helping disabled, environmental issues, red cross, basically anything you fancy anywhere in Europe. (And "Europe" is more of a vague geographical description, you aren't limited to the 25 countries in the EU.)
Working Abroad
Volunteering and working abroad. Includes unusual choices such as Sweden (which looks great in the photos)
Might be more pricey but it has been running for years and has a huge range of countries to choose from. I think i might go for the conservation project in New Zealand actually :-)
ESL Cafe
Teaching Abroad.
Teach Abroad
Teaching Abroad
Pure Australia
Perfect if you are planning to have any time in Australia. Provides info on a massive range of useful topics.
Very GC
Another helpful and inspiring website for things to do in Australia. Nice photos.
Real Gap
Professional and very popular gap year site. Lots of inspirational projects including round the world trips, sports programmes, conservation work and paid jobs abroad.
Useful links and tips.
(If you are confident enough, and you are going to a typical backpacker's destination, you would save alot of money by not using a gap year company, and simply doing it all yourself. Obviously profit - making companies over-price things to make money, however sometimes it is worth it if you think you will need support and reassurance during your gap year.)
Au Pair World
Being an au pair abroad.
Au pair agency
Being an au pair abroad.
CESA Languages
Learn the native language in a place you travel to. You could learn Spanish for example in Madrid and combine it with Flamenco lessons!
Forum Info
REALLY useful and inspirational info on gap years from an individual on a forum. A few good links too.
One World 365
One of the best websites with a huge and interesting range of opportunities including placements such as archery instructor / lifeguard / sailing instructor at Camp America, plus travel tours, volunteering, teaching, seasonal jobs, community work...anything!
Link Ethiopia
Volunteering opportunites in Ethiopia. Highly recommended by a person who says tha the charity really look after you. You only need to give a contribution to flights and accommodation, but they only take a limited number of people every year since they are a charity.
Gap Year Worldwide
Lots of varied opportunities including ecotourism, work experience in Australia and New Zealand, working at an elephant sanctuary in Asia, doing a Gibbon rehabilitation project in Thailand, teaching, journalism and much more!
i Gap Year
Very useful tool where you can select the type of gap year you want and the country you want to go and it searches for available projects. Volunteering, travel, and jobs available, including wildlife rehabilitation, working with children and construction projects.

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