Monday 15 December 2008

Gap Year + Travel Links VI

For season worker's who want a job on their gap year for a few months, such as working as a barman on the French Alps. Some provide free accommodation as well as paying you!
Round The World Flights
Really good website offering (as the name suggests :-)) round the world tickets.
Book Hostels
Good for finding hostels where you want to stay. Basic accommodation at cheap prices for you backpackers!
Find A Gap
Includes everything from cheap travel, accomodation, insurance to a massive database of Gap Year Jobs and Placements.
Engineers Against poverty
Volunteering work experience in low income countries.
Website for international development / relief / aidwork.
Very popular site offering jobs in USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South America.
Volunteer South America
Free and low cost volunteer work in South America.
Global Choices
Programmes are classified in 5 types: Working Holiday, Internships, Teaching Abroad, Volunteering and Courses. Countries available are Greece, United Kingdom, Spain, Ireland, USA, Australia, India, China, Brazil.
Project Trust
Volunteer and travel. A choice of 24 different countries.
Volunteer Africa
Shorter volunteering projects in Africa.

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