Sunday, 25 January 2009

Painting With Light

This is my absolutely favourite photography effect, and all you need is:
- A camera with long exposure (shutter speed) capabilities (the longer the better)
- A source of light (flashlights work the best but if you have glowsticks instead, check out this instructable!)
- And a pitch black room (if you want a nice black background) - or you can do it outside if it is pitch black.
For the full instructions go here, or view my summary of the tutorial below:
Step 1
- Get your camera a nice place to sit and aim it at a spot about 10-15 ft away where you will easily be able to draw your picture.
- Take a regular shutter speed shot in the light to make sure that your spot is in focus (see picture)
- Set your camera's shutter speed (you'll have to set your camera for manual mode) - about 30 seconds.
- Either turn on a time delay or set the shutter speed to compensate for the time it takes to walk 10-15 feet away.
- Grab your flashlight and shut the lights out.
- Press the capture button, run to wherever your camera is focused on, and turn on your light source.
- Draw the picture you want, trying not to shine the light source directly at the camera. This will produce a "twinkle" where you shined it from.
- If you want to stop a line segment and start a new one, you can cover the light source with your hand and move it over to where the new line segment will start. If you have a flashlight, just turn it off, move it over, and turn it back on! <-- Much easier!
When you're done drawing:
If it's a simple picture (a square, circle etc) you can go over it again
If not, don't bother trying to go over it. It will probably get messed up.

Step 2
Admire your one of a kind picture!
Feel free to experiment with different techniques etc.

For some inspiration, have a look here, and at the following videos:

And if that's not enough, have a look here and here for some more help and inspiration.
I hope you enjoy it!


Anonymous said...

Just wondering, did you take the pictures at the top?

Crafter-holic said...

Sorry no unfortunately I didn't :-(
If you follow the link to the tutorial you'll find the source.