Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Business Startup Ideas & Success Stories

One of my top goals in life is to have a successful business which can be my full-time job, and I've always fancied myself as a bit of an entrepreneur, having sold online since I was 15 and always having some kind of money-making scheme on the go!

So I've put together what I hope is an inspiring web page here which lists a few ideas for starting your own business, plus links to the best success stories in the UK and worldwide.

I've also put together a list of the best business success stories which have come from Dragons Den UK, the TV programme. I mean, who can forget Levi Roots?!

1 comment:

Eline Oftedal said...

I think that goes for so many countries. If people don't live out their talents, what ever they are, what would we live off?

Thanks for sharing.