Wednesday 7 July 2010

Harry Potter World Opens!

So the books I love most have been brought to life in the recently opened Harry Potter world in Universal studios. . . . now all I have to do is save up to go!

There is the iconic Hogwarts castle, a 'Forbidden Journey' flying ride, Dumbledore's office, 'Flight of the Hippogriff', the 'Three Broomsticks' and 'Hog's Head' pubs (with Butterbeer!), Honeydukes sweet shop, Ollivanders wand shop, Zonko's joke shop, Dervish and Banges emporium, Filch's Emporium of Confiscated Goods (with Omnioculars and remote-controlled Golden Snitches!), Hogsmeade station, The Owlery, The Owl Post (where guests will actually be able to send letters and cards postmarked from Hogsmeade!), Hogsmeade village (which will apparently be covered with snow) and the Forbidden Forest.

So exciting!


  1. Readng this has just made me even more excited! Definetley one to save up for x

  2. PH MY GOSH I THINK I JUST DIED INSIDE WHILE READING THIS!! awwweeessooommmeee!!! the moment i read Three Broomsticks, my heart beat a little faster! butterbeer! oh i can't wait for a trip!

  3. Glad other people are as excited as I am. I may be 22, but if I visited Diagon Alley I may just start acting like an 8 year old!
