Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Make Your Own Wand

Perfect for any Harry Potter fan, these instructions tell you how to whittle your own wooden wand - looks pretty authentic doesn't it?!


  1. Sweet! This is really awesome. Thanks for sharing the D.I.Y. :)

  2. Hello! I have been a HUGE fan of your blog for over a year now and want to tell you how awesome you are!

    I recently started making crochet hooks inspired by Harry Potter wands and was wondering if you would be interested in making a post about them? We seem to share the love for both crocheting and Harry Potter, so I thought you might get a kick out of them!

    It would be completely amazing if you could do this, but I totally understand if you'd rather not!

    Either way, thank you for being such a great blogger and providing me with some of the worlds greatest craft tutorials.

